Friday, April 16, 2010

Active Momma!

I've been going crazy having to tone down my workout since becoming pregnant. I'm used to very high energy classes like kickboxing, step, spin etc. Thankfully today I discovered my gym's pre/postnatal step class (it's so cute...some Mommies come in with their strollers and the babies just watch. I love it!). It's such an amazing workout, but doesn't get your heart rate up high enough to impact the baby in a negative way. They say as long as you have one foot on the ground at all times, you're good....?! I'm trying to be very cautious with everything however, there's only so much I can take of the elliptical and walking on the treadmill. I say, if you're pregnant, find some good prenatal classes in your area. Yoga, pilates and other low impact exercises are great as long as you don't have a high risk pregnancy. Something to keep you active throughout your pregnancy. They say you'll have an easier labor if you do. We'll see...I hope so!

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